
+374 98 402243,
+374 10 522812
Alikhanyan 7a Street
Yerevan, Armenia 0019

Ashot A. Tavadyan



Doctor of Economic Sciences. Economic-Mathematics Institute of the National Academy of Sciences, Moscow.

On the thesis was published book: "The Systematization of Economic Indicators" (Moscow, 1992, Coauthor: V.S. Dadayan).

Up to sixty publications and monograms.


Candidate of Economic Sciences. Moscow, Russia.


Yerevan State University.

Department of Economy.

Diploma With Honors.

The diploma work was written in Moscow State University.

Professional Experience


Head of Chair of Mathematical Methods in Economics of ASUE.


Professor of Armenia State University of Economics.


General adviser of National Agency of Legal Evaluations.


Economic expert of UNDP.


Chairman of "Centre of Economic Researches" NGO.

(The basic topics of the Centre are analysis of economic policy, socio-economic programs, economic indicators of Armenia).


Chairman of the Control Chamber of the National Assembly.

(The Control Chamber prepares professional conclusions on the state budget and the annual report of the Central Bank).


Chairman of the Republican council of experts on the specialty of Economics.


Professor of the State Institute of National Economy.


Associate professor of the State Institute of National Economy, Yerevan, Armenia.

Experience of Work With International Organizations


Integration processes in Armenia. Head of team. Eurasian Development Bank.


Economic expert of UNDP Armenia.


With assistance of GTZ together with German colleagues were analyzed methods of financial audit. Joint seminar was organized in Yerevan. In order to study audit system of Germany was organized business trip in Germany.


The Control Chamber of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia in fact was created with assistance of UNDP. International seminars were organized in Yerevan. The chairman of the Control Chamber took part in XVI International Congress of Supreme Audit Institutions at which Armenian Control Chamber was adopted as the member of the INTOSAI (International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions). The law of the Control Chamber was improved and the Control Chamber got financial independence.


Armenian, Russian, English

Personal Data

Married, three children

List of publications after 2011

(Author of more than 60 publications)

#TitleTitle TranslationPublishing HouseAuthorsHyperlink
1Импульсы и пути решения проблем экономической безопасностиImpulses and Ways of Solving Problems of Economic Security21 centaury, N4, 2011, Yerevan, Armenia, p. 39-52,Tavadyan A.A.pdf
2Տնտեսամաթեմատիկական մեթոդների համադրման անհրաժեշտության հիմնավորումը ՀՀ-ում ներդրումների հետազոտման օրինակովThe Substantiation of Necessity of Synthesis of Economic Mathematical Methods on the Example of Investigating Investments in the RABamber, Armenian State University of Economics, N 1, 2011, p 142-150:Tavadyan A.A.
Hakobyan T.G.
3Анализ функциональных связей инвестиций методом интерполяцииThe Analysis of Functional Relations of Investments by the Interpolation MethodProceedings of the international scientific conference. Problems of innovative development of the Republic of Armenia and the Russian Federation, 306-311Tavadyan A.A.
Hakobyan T.G.
4Investigation of the Functional Relationships of Investments by Minimal Degree Multivariate Polynomial Interpolation MethodMultivariate Statistical Analysis and Econometrics, 2012, 84-89Tavadyan A.A.
Hakobyan T.G.
5Интервалы неопределенности экономикиIntervals of Uncertainty of EconomicsMoscow, Nauka, 2012Tavadyan A.A.http
6Armenia and the Customs Union: Impact of Economic IntegrationEurasian Development Bank, N20, Saint Petersburg, 2013Tavadyan A.A.
(head of writing team)
7Принцип минимального интервала ключевых индикаторов экономикиThe principle of minimum interval of key indicators of the economyKazakh Economic Review, N2-3,2013Tavadyan A.A.
8Проблемы конкурен­тоспособности и инновации экономики Армении и оценка их воздействия на экономический ростProblems of Competitiveness and Innovation of the Armenian Economy and Assessment of Their Impact on Economic Growth«Tntesaget», Yerevan, 2014Tavadyan A.A.
Tevikyan A.R.
9Принцип минимального интервала полосы неопределенности экономикиThe Principle of Minimum Interval Uncertainty Band EconomyJournal "The World of Transformations", 1/2014, МoscowTavadyan A.A.http
10Цели и задачи интеграционных процессов АрменииArmenia's integration priorities: a view from ErevanРоссия и новые Russia and new States of Eurasia. Moscow 2014. No2. P. 28-42Tavadyan A.A.http